13 June 2016


A public race, "Ecco Adventure" will be held on 28th August.

Celebrating its five year anniversary, club founder Warren Muscat says, "Training helps you personally to be disciplined. We try to provide the emotional support, the educational awareness, the training and the technical support so that everyone can reach his maximum potential."

The race is divided into four sections, Trail Run/Trekking, Cycling (MTB), Canoeing and Obstacle course. Categories include Male/Male, Female/Female and Male/Female. Prizes will be awarded.

An information meeting will be held on 27th August at 8pm. Athletes will pick up their t-shirt, race number and briefed during this meeting.

Race starts at 7am at the Scout Campsite in Golden Bay.

Official presentation for the winners will be held on 5th November.

Registration is required. Terms and conditions apply. 

For information, contact:
Agones SFC at agones-sfc.eu